Saturday, January 2, 2010

Another One

I feel like such a little kid.
I always find myself idolizing people...
I idolize everyone in different ways.
I just like to see the positive in everyone
I like to try to apply that to myself.
I'm always working on being a better person,
and I think it helps to look at others
for guidance.

my point is that sometimes I like to copy.
(Ideas, not homework.)
This is another post that Mandy inspired
she did ask a question
which I'm going to answer
so I guess you could say it's a response.

She wrote a blog about finding a
to help through the new year.

"Not a word to define you, not a word that will remind you to do something
or help you achieve your desired resolution.*

but a word that will help you achieve something positive?
a word that will help you make your own positive influence in your life?"

Throughout her blog,
I kept trying to think,
what would my word be?
Nothing came up,
and I figured that my resolutions would be enough.

Then she said
"*I think resolution's are a great place to start to find a word"
And a word popped into my head.
But then it occurred to me that it would be cheating
since the word is supposed to help me "achieve"
So instead,
I have picked a different word.

2009 wasn't my best year
I had fun
met some friends,
lost some friends,
and realized that I didn't like what I was doing
or I guess I should say
what I wasn't doing.

My grades slipped
my life vanished
and I found myself at a standstill.
I had no goals set.
My day kept repeating itself:
Get up
go to work
go to school
go home
watch TV
go to bed.
And then the next day was the
Over and over and over again.
I wasn't even saving much money,
if any at all.
What's worse,
I was spending it all on food.

when I realized all of this
it was probably around August.
It took me a while
to get back up on my feet.
I wasn't fast enough
to get my grades up
or to get my social life back,
but I'm working on it.

I don't want my life
to just be day by day
I want my life to be
I have to make it that way.

my word for 2010 is

I chose succeed because I want to get somewhere this year.
I don't care where,
as long as it's forward
since 2009 was probably about
five steps back.
I don't expect everything to go
exactly how I want it to,
but I plan on doing my best
to do everything that I can.

1 comment:

  1. I think that is a great word for you! The list of things you can succeed at is never ending and applicable to everything you do in life.
    Good luck, girl! and i hope you know that i lovvee that you actually answer my questions!
