Friday, January 15, 2010


I took last night off work
so that I could go to Keri's to study.
Too bad Keri was busy D:
I did a lot of studying on my own,
but I got a bit frustraited toward the end.
At around nine pm,
I passed out on my parents' couch.
Then Mom woke me up this morning
and I studied more.

what a life I have!

I must admit
I knew more on the test
than what I did on the practice
which is good.

Before I looked at my grade,
I saw these on

I promised myself that if I got a C
(or above)
I would buy them for myself.
Only $16.49
plus an additional 50% off another item :}

I got a 68%
My overall grade is a 69.7%
if it doesn't get rounded up,
I'm going to throw a temper tantrum.
All that work for nothing?!

I'm going to have to figure something out
something different to do
that will help me on tests.
I'm tempted to take a class in person,
but I've never done well in them before,
what would be different this time?
Plus I don't know how happy my bosses would be,
I would have to swich back to nights
and that would mess up their schedule.

I found the item I would have gotten for 50% off:

So cute!

And only $6

Oh well,

there will always be more clothes to buy :)

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