Monday, January 11, 2010


I haven't been able to think of anything blog-worthly as of late. It's the same old stuff goin' on right about now. I've been racking my brain trying to come up with responses to Mandy's "Celebrety" post, but nothing comes to mind. She posted another blog tonight (or I guess technically last night since it is past midnight...) It's about jeans. This one is easy for me to answer, since it's something that I think about on a semi-regular basis.

She asked how much was spent on the last pair of jeans bought. Personally, I don't remember the last pair I bought, but I'm actually kind of weird about buying clothes. I never want to spend any money on them. If I think they're overpriced, no matter how much I love them, clothes are the one thing I cannot splurge on. At all, ever. Anyway, the most expensive pair of jeans I own were a Christmas gift from 2008's xmas. I think I had been complaining about never having pants that fit right or something, and I think some of the girls in my family became determined to teach me how to like shopping.

The girls (Cousin Jesse, Aunt Lisa, Aunt Susie, Gma, Mom...) went to the mall for some stuff. Susie wanted to get me my xmas gift, so she told me to pick out a pair of jeans. She took me to Macy's, which I hadn't been to since I've started looking at price tags. I found a pair that I liked, looked at the price tag and went to immediately looking for a clearence rack. Eventually, my aunt convinced me to look at a few pairs but wouldn't let me look at the price tags anymore.

I don't know the brand name, but let me just say this: I still have yet to find a pair of pants that fit as well as the ones I got that day do (they were the first ones I tried on too! Woo!) Now, they weren't $300 jeans or anything, but still way more than I ever would have thought of spending myself. The more I think about it though, it does make a little bit of sense to buy nicer clothes just because they last longer. Those jeans still look brand new and it's been over a year (not that my other jeans have really worn that much either to be honest.)

However, when I'm shopping for jeans, if they're $20 I reeeeeally have to like them to get them. I think it's odd but I can't help it! I'll carry the jeans around the store the whole time I'm shopping; if by the time it's time to check out I don't feel like I'd die without them, I won't buy them. Maybe it's because I really don't need any more jeans, but I think it's just because I'm cheap.

Random updates on my oh so eventful life:
  • School is kicking my butt, but I'm trying my best and I have a high C in my math class. My final is on Friday, and I can't help but freak out a little bit. I'm trying not to.
  • Natalie and I got to hang out a little last night, which was fun :)
  • My bosses are driving me nuts at work.
  • I have a new credit card, and I love the responsibility.
  • My brother and I are slowly cleaning the house, but it's frustraiting how it has to get messier to get clean again.
  • Someone left their wedding flowers in a fridge at my hotel; they're sitting next to me and smell wonderful. I couldn't imagine going somewhere like Extended Stay America after my wedding, but I guess the marriage is what really counts. The bouquet I have is roses and lillys; Cindy took home one that was all roses. They're small and cute.
  • I finally have a phone again, but not many numbers. I hate losing phones.
  • I can't find anything to take pictures of lately.\
  • I'm still trying to find something entertaining to blog about.


  1. Thanks Britt!!
    And I like blog updates about your life. I've been thinking about getting a new credit card myself. Not for shopping purposes, but for security reasons- if something were to happen to me.. my car.. school, whatevv.

  2. Thanks! <3

    I love having a CC. I feel like I'm building my credit which will in turn help me in the future.

  3. Dude, you find jeans for under 20 bucks??!! You're an awesome shopper. I'm a fan of the big bucks jeans myself which is why I haven't found a pair I like in nearly three years. And it's not being cheap, it's being good with your money! Oh, and I really wanted to keep that necklace you left at Gma's. You're lucky I'm such a nice cousin. Miss you!

  4. Haha not often, but occasionally there will be a clearance somewhere :P And I love that I have nice cousins like you :D I'll probably get to come see you all during spring break- I need to start looking for a home!
