Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Enter Title Here

Work has been sucking the energy right out of me, but for now that's okay. I technically work four days this week, but Friday is a long shift and I go in tomorrow because I volunteered myself to do porter from 10am-1pm. Just a couple hours won't hurt anything... It's funny how most of the time when I'm at work I'm always willing to do such things, but as soon as I get home I'm like, "Why did I do that?!" It all works out, because although I dread going to work the night before, once I get there it's not so bad. I do wish that my managers would communicate a bit better, I'm getting confused! Like this morning Christine gave me five bucks to go pick up another housekeeper from our Chandler location and told me to leave around 8:30 since it would take about a half hour to get there. 8:24 rolled around and I got my purse and started to leave. Laila asked what I was doing; when I told her, she said that I don't have to leave yet. I responded that Christine told me to leave at 8:30 and she said that was rediculous. Christine was outside having a cigarette and talking to her mom on the phone, so I didn't know what to do. Since Christine is above Laila, I told her I was just doing what Christine told me to, and she responded that there was no point. So, I didn't leave. Christine came back in saying, "Brittney, you need to go!" I looked at Laila; nothing. I wanted to talk to Christine about it, but I never got the chance. Stuff like this happens on a daily basis and I can't stand it. Laila never cares what Christine says so she tells us to do something or not do something and then we get in trouble for it. It's just not right :/

10 days until my math final. Ewwwe. I'll be okay, I think. I still have two chapters to finish.

That's another thing, I have drilled it into Laila's head for the past two weeks that I need the fifteenth off; my approved request off is in the book and everything. She scheduled me for the fifteenth... I had to sit and argue with her about it until she finally remembered- but she "took the weekend" away from me. So I work Saturday or Sunday, big whoop! I thought I was going to anyway, and working the weekend is better than missing my math final.

I'm doing laundry right now. Laundry sucks; it takes too long. It's easy and I actually kind of like doing it, but at the same time when you're waiting for your clothes to dry sometimes it feels like an eternity.

I don't like not having a phone. Although I don't use mine much, I can't text out of boredom or even have random conversations with people. Plus, Christine didn't know that my phone went missing, so apparently she text me "important stuff" over the weekend. I wasn't working the weekend, so I don't know what she sent... I bought a new phone for twenty bucks- I used to have one just like it and I liked it until it got stolen out of the parking lot at work :(

I hate how I sign on to write down important stuff, and everything I was going to write about just falls out of my head.

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