Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I finished up all of the math homework that I can while at work. Unfortunately, I left my calculator at home, so some of it I'm going to have to do after I'm off. This is my last chapter for the class! As I was doing the practice test though, I realized that I'm definately going to need to go over to Keri's and get some tutoring before my final. I am not ready. Laila scheduled me to work tomorrow night, so Mom suggested that I ask Carrie to cover for me. Carrie said that she will do so, which is good, but Laila isn't happy about it. Why? I'm not so sure. I refuse to do poorly in this class- I have been doing okay so far and I'd like to keep it that way! I have a high C and if I can just drill enough of the material into my brain before the test, I may be able to raise that to a B! If I do as well on the final as I did the midterm, I can rais it to an A. If that were to happen, I think I would faint. But it is possible! Seriously, I'm buying myself a car if I get straight A's this semester.

On that note, poor Virginia (my car) isn't doing so hot. I love her to death, and my goal is to get two more years out of her, which would make her seven. I hate to admit it, but I haven't taken the greatest care of her. She's got a hole in her bumper from when I rearended a retired cop, several scratches on the back bumper from people rear ending me, chips and dings from the morrons at my complex, and the interior has a lot of stains. Now she's starting to rattle a bit when I break, and when I go kinda slow she makes a funny sound. I'm hoping it has to do with being overdue for an oil change, because other than that all of her issues are cosmetic.

Back to the topic of school, I decided to buy my textbooks tonight since classes start this week. Wanna guess how much all my books cost? $505.59 Seriously?
What's worse, that doesn't include shipping. I wanted to be lazy and have everything shipped to my parents, but when I realized that it was a $30 charge on top of that (more if I wanted them on time) I said psh! and decided to pick them up at the MCC bookstore. I shopped around, but MCC is getting sneaky. Some of their books are made only for MCC students, and you can't get them anywhere else! Two of my books were MCC only copyrights! I did find one of my textbooks for more than $100 cheaper through Barnes and Noble- who gave me free shipping! See? Why can't MCC be that nice??? Amazon was charging even more than MCC, and I didn't even want to attempt or Ebay this semester (cheap but crappy quality/wrong books.)

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