Saturday, January 23, 2010

School and Such

Not gonna lie, this semester is a little overwhelming to take in! But I am ahead in two of my online classes :) It's going to be hard to keep up I can tell, so my goal is to stay ahead. One of the classes has three weeks of work posted right now, but after that he says he will only be posting one week at a time; I aim to get everything for the scheduled week done within the first day or two that he posts the information. The other class has all of the work posted already so I've slowly been working on the assignments there.

My math class is a different story. I'm getting a bit worried, because I haven't been able to log on yet to the actual site. I can get on WebCT where she has the introduction and everything, but the coursecompass is saying that I am registered but not letting me on. I've emailed tech support as well as my teacher but have yet to get a response from either. If I don't hear from my teacher by Monday I'm going to try to get a phone number to contact her. The issue is that if there are assignemnts that are passed already then that means I'm already behind in the class and if she won't let me make them up then... it's just not a good start! I thought about dropping and re-enrolling, but all the classes are taken and the late start classes don't have the right math class.

I got a bit mad when I realized that I could have bought my book for logic class through the website for only $30 (it cost $153 from the bookstore!) I'm going to see if I can return it at MCC but all returns have to be done by the 26th and when I went to pick up my books the returns line was over an hour wait! Blech! I'm hoping they're open tomorrow and there won't be too many people there :D

On a different note, I tried to sign me and my dad up for The Amazing Race today... I didn't realize I have to be 21 :( Hopefully the race is still goin' by then! I think it would be a blast!!!
I've been thinking more and more about becoming a teacher at some point- the classes just look so fun! Plus, the teachers have got to love what they do; they're teaching people how to be teachers... you HAVE to like what you do in that situation, right??? But still, it wouldn't be anytime soon.
I seem to have a new obbsession with mushrooms. I don't know where it came from, but I cannot get enough of them! Mushroom swiss burgers, mushroom chicken from Panda, mushroom and meatball subs from Tessio's (I know, I know, it's a weird combination but I love it!) Currently, I'm eating a steak and mushroom sub (from Tessio's) with mozz cheese and fried mushrooms on the side... see what I mean when I say I'm obbsessed? To be honest, I'm not too fond of the fried mushrooms, I only got them to get above the delivery price. They're good, but I'm really not too big of a fan of fried foods.
I am so not taking any classes this summer... I am ready for a break. I've been in school since Spring of 2009 nonstop and although I've had a few days or maybe a week or two between semesters, I still feel like a couple months is well-deserved. I like the summer courses and the winter-intersession, but I think from now on I may just stick to the regular semesters.
Fall 2008: 15 credits
Spring 2009: 17 credits
Summer 1 2009: 3 credits
Summer 2 2009: 3 credits
Fall 2009: 17 credits
Winter 2009-2010: 4 credits
Spring 2010: 16 credits
Total taken at MCC: 75 credits
As I am doing this I realized something pretty interesting... my art grade still has yet to show up on my transcripts. No big deal, right? NO WAY! I'm so angry; I already wrote a letter and gave it to my advisor to give it to whom he see fit about that teacher; now it's Spring semester and my grade hasn't been posted? What the heck?! Whatever, I'll figure it out eventually :)


  1. MCC is seriously so cheap!!! Not as in like they aren't expensive, but in the way that they kind of screw you over in everything..haha :) But way to go about staying ahead in your classes!

  2. Haha when I first read this I only read the first sentence and was like... what??? Not cheap! And then i read the rest and was like "Oh... haha..."

    Thanks <3

  3. Good luck to you in school! I have no experience with MCC.. i've always been at ASU.. their books are so so in price but I order a lot through Barnes and Noble. Actually, this year I decided that the books were irrevelant to many classes and just didn't buy a lot them. so there AS-Useless.

    my mom lovesss the amazing race, she so wants to go too!
    oh, i did an edit to add for you on my Brave post, thanks for making me feel better!

  4. Yeah I didn't buy a few books last semester and usually I buy them off the internet or something, but this semester they all were required and I couldn't find them anywhere but MCC... except one which I did just so happen to buy through Barnes and Noble :D

    The Amazing Race is fun! I don't get to watch it often but I'm always entranced when I do :]

    Anytime <3
