Sunday, December 27, 2009

Big Plans, Big Future

Life Goals:

I want to live in a few different places for at least one year each.

Vancouver, Canada

Ever since I met my Canadian friend Brandon Doucet, I have wanted to live there for at least a part of my life. It just seems like a nice place to live, and if I were to move anywhere outside of the United States, this would be my first choice. Mainly because they speak a lot of English over there; plus it's close. After seeing pictures from my parent's trip there, I fell in love with the scenery. I didn't realize it was so green! The only downfall is the simple freezing weather.

New York City, New York

I have been in love with the city for a long time, and what better city to live in than the notorious New York? I've always enjoyed the thought of being able to walk everywhere I go: grocery store, work, school, everything! I want to attend the writing school here, always have but never really have felt that it would be a solid career, so it's more of an "after I'm stable" goal. However, I never want to raise children in the city. It shows an awful side of humanity that I would rather my kids not see until they have to. So, unless I move here shortly after UNLV, it's highly unlikely that I ever will live in the Big Apple.

San Francisco, California

The only negatives I have found to California are the high prices and the lack of good financial spending. Other than that, I am truly in love with this state. I'm not stuck on San Francisco, I have liked every part of Cali that I have been to, but as of now this is where I have my heart set. I don't want beach front property or the biggest house in the United States, I just love the weather and atmosphere. Away from the more touristy places and further into the suburbs, I can see myself raising a family here. Again, before I have kids, I can see myself (by myself, with boyfriend, or husband) living in the mild city within walking distance of everything.

From a very young age, my parents got me addicted to traveling. There are so many places I want to see, and even some places where I want to get a vacation home... someday.

Honolulu, Hawaii

Of course, I had to list the obvious but no, I wouldn't ever want to live in Hawaii. It's beautiful and I loved it when I went, but I do think that it is a tad over rated. Not really, but why live in paradise? Then there's nowhere to vacation! Spending Christmas here was gorgeous, and totally my kind of Christmas! Bathing suit on the beach instead of bundled in jackets. I definitely would love to do it over and again.

Rome, Italy

And of course, Rome is a must see on my list; ancient and beautiful. I fell in love with the dazzling history at a young age, and the fact that many buildings are still standing makes me feel like I could step into the past. Currently, I am planning on taking a cruise around to all of Europe. Or at least to many parts of Europe. Although a date is not yet set, I cannot wait ♥

Tokyo, Japan

Although I would never want to live in Tokyo, I most definitely want to visit. Ever since day one, I have been absolutely fascinated by the culture of Japan. It has been a dream of mine to go for a long time, but I'm also scared of the crowds and language barrier. Still, someday I do plan on going and I plan on staying for around a month.

There are several other places that I would love to see someday, but for now these are what I'm focused on.

Another goal that I have is one that I wish I could start right away; like now. My dad showed me this design one day via Facebook. It is a home that was created in Japan (See? Japan is fascinating!) especially for cats.

I understand that it isn't likely that I will have the time nor money to do this anytime soon, but it is still one of my life goals: I want to be able to have a foster care for cats, maybe not in my own home, but at least have a house built like the one in the pictures so that it will fit many abandoned cats and kittens. Personally, I would love for this to be a career, but the unstable income would be way too worrisome for me.

In all actuality, I would love for it to be right in my own home, but I highly doubt that I will find a husband willing to live with so many animals. Plus, it would get annoying and the house dedicated to the cats would be like a large playground, kinda cool.

Anyway, I do plan on designing my dream home someday- maybe it will include the cat design, maybe it won't. We'll see. I'm already starting the designs, but I need to learn a bit more about interior design before I can get it all official. I hope to live in it by the time I'm thirty; that way it can be the home I raise my children in and everything.

Throughout my life, I would like to obtain different degrees.

English Degree

I would love to be a writer someday, and I have started writing a few different books. I haven't written anything in a couple of years, which makes me extremely sad. I just can't take the time to sit and focus like I used to. But, still I want to get my degree in English. I think that if I ever became a teacher, it would probably be in English (or art.) I would also need to get my degree in education to accomplish being a teacher. Whether that happens or not, I think an English degree would be a good asset. It will probably be the last that I get, but it would be nice even only for intelligence reasons.

Hotel and Lodging/Hospitality

This is the degree that I plan to be working on by the upcoming fall semester. One of my longstanding dreams is to own a business, which now has become a hotel. Eventually, I would absolutely love to design, own and manage my very own hotel- it doesn't have to be a five star resort or anything like that, but it does have to be perfect. Again, it isn't something that will be fast accomplished, since it will cost more than I can imagine, but it's still something I'm confidant I will accomplish- hopefully before I am forty. Of course, I will also need to get my business degree along side this one, but that should be too hard.


Fashion, interior, graphic... all of these are great design careers. Personally, I hope to someday get a degree in general design so that I can accomplish the basics of these. Honestly, I don't know if this is even an option, but it would be nice. Otherwise, I will just have to get all three of the previously mentioned :)

I want to have a family.

I want to someday find the person of my dreams, get married, and have children.

I work to live, and I live to play. I could add on to this list forever and never be satisfied, but since these are the goals that are replaying over and over in my head right now, they are the ones I will stick to. I do need to figure out some short term goals for myself at sometime though...

[[I plan to live an extraordinary life.]]

Saturday, December 19, 2009


I worked on math homework tonight
finished up chapter ten
So far,
Sections 9.5-10.7 homework
and with 100% too :}

Even better,
the class doesn't even start till Monday;
the assignments I'm finished with
aren't due until the day
after Christmas.
I am ahead.
I'm never ahead, not in math.


((Oh how I hate the dreaded "but"))
Here is the bad news:
So far, I've taken one quiz.

There are two attempts for all quizzes.
I need to study more.
I want a hundred!

Come on! At least an A???
I've always known that I'm not a straight A student,
but it never occurred to me
that I've never had straight A's
even for
one semester.
It bugs me.
A lot.

Random side-note:
It also bugs me when people spell "a lot" as "alot".
Bugs, bugs, bugs me!
Thanks Miss Sanera.

it has become my new obsession
to get all A's.
It's gotten to the point where I don't want to work
I just want to be a full time student

Not that that's bad or anything...
I just
need to work.
One of my odd quirks.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Today started off as an average day. Woke up, goofed off on the computer, picked up artwork from school, and then covered for my brother at Homestead.

In the end, not so normal.

I had just finished putting away all of my money and getting my reports finished for the night. About a half hour earlier, I had sent some guests to my hotel two miles away since there were no available rooms at Homestead. Her friends came to the desk and asked why the desk clerk wasn't helping at Extended Stay. I called over, and Connie answered the phone; it was just past ten thirty. It didn't even occur to me why her voice was so quiet, I simply explained to Connie the discounted rate and everything before she said, voice shaking, "Brittney...." Silence. "Connie?" Again her voice was shaking, "Brittney. Carrie is being robbed. We're being robbed."


"Brittney, what do I do?"

"Call the police! I'll be there in ten minutes."

I finished closing in a hurry and drove to Extended Stay. There were four police officers there, and Carrie was standing outside smoking a cigarette. She was shaking... I offered to take her over to Cajin's house, but she said she could drive. I helped the police get the tape and set up the tiny TV for them to be able to watch, then I helped Carrie fill out the incident report. She didn't want to, and I could totally understand but it had to be done. I talked to Christine for her and Laila showed up shortly after. We let her take over from there.

Carrie was just about to count the cash drawer when two black men, early twenties came into the hotel. They asked for a room, and after she gave them a quote, one of them slid a piece of paper across the desk saying "ALL YOUR MONEY" then the second guy pulled out a gun and pointed it at her, "We aren't joking." She gave them the drawer, and they asked for the safe as well. She acted like she was going to get it, but instead locked herself in the backroom. She didn't come back out until after the police had arrived; Connie stayed in the break room. When Carrie gave police the description of the men, they knew exactly who she was talking about.

Was the $98.00 worth it guys? I hate you!

And Extended Stay, I hate you too.
No manager, no coworkers...
all alone, night time, 20 years old.
Not okay.
We're getting security
for the next seven days.
Seven days?
That's it?
At least work two people at once.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

PetSmart Santa

I love that my first day off from Fall semester I got off work as well. I did text Christine to ask about switching shifts with my brother this Saturday, but other than that I didn't have to deal with anything work related! That's a first in quite a while, so it was nice. I also slept until one today; I never do that anymore! It was a nice change.

Ten years ago, Mom took Jeffrey, me, Saddie, and Mattie to PetSmart to visit Santa.

I love it.
This year, ten years later,
Mom took them again.

I still can't believe that Mom gave Mattie to Santa.
I am even moreso shocked that she behaved.
I love that her arm is in the picture;
She is even holding up my kitty's deer antlers.

I also got to get my picture taken with my babies
They all got dressed up in little collars :)
I don't normally dress up animals
but I couldn't help myself
(They deserved a little torture.)

I'm excited for Christmas this year.

PS, Hailey: I still can't post comments on your blog.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Cat Obsessed

My parents are going to laugh when they hear this, but I'm actually kind of proud of it :) I noticed that a lot of people post adds on Craigslist without first looking to see if anyone wants or is getting rid of what they want. So, I've gone through and matched them up. For instance, someone was looking for a white kitten 8-12 weeks old; I found one by typing in "white kitten" that was seven weeks and would be ready for a forever home in a couple of days. Now, that person is the proud parent of the white kitty and its brother. After doing this for a couple of people on Craigslist, I posted an add to let people know that if they were looking for soemthing specific I would try to help them out. So far I've found seven kitties a home :) Some people are looking for purebreads and don't care how much it costs or anything, so I've even found a Siamese and a B... something a cat through an adoption agency. It's a fun break during stuy time, and it makes me feel better because even though I can't give the cats a home myself, they still get to go to a home.

There is a lady on Craigslist that also posted about the cats and kittens she's getting rid of. She has seven cats of her own and five foster children. Still, she has over twenty foster kitties living with her. Six are too young to go to a home yet, but the rest are able and willing. I think it's impressive that she has the time and space and love to take care of all those cats! It also makes me feel better because I know that I'm NOT a crazy cat lady. Three cats isn't a lot :P

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I'm working on my life goals post still, but it's not going in the direction that I thought it would. I just wanted a detailed list, but somehow it's turned into something a bit... far fetched? Not really, but I don't know how to put it into words. Eventually, it will be up and available for all to see so it doesn't really matter right now.

I took my test this morning and it went okay. I'm not going to lie, I thought I would do better. We'll see how it goes when the results come back. The science threw me off the most, but what frustrated me was that I'm a good reader, but I didn't get the chance to finish either of the reading portions because of the time limit. I guess that's kinda why I can't stand tests.

I did realize something today though, the more I try to concentrate on something, especially something important, the further off my mind wanders. The test was at Mountain View, so as I was reading the passage for part three, I caught myself thinking about sophmore and junior year. I also caught myself playing with a divit in my pencil. I couldn't help but look at the clock frequently either. The room I was in just happened to have a Best Buddies flyer hanging right by my face; that was distracting for me. My thoughts went from food, to my kitties, to RCA, to school, to life, to work, to friendship, to QT, to breathing patterns... and on and on and on...


[[I'm going through camera withdrawl.]]

I got my hair dyed on Thursday since my boss told me to get rid of the blue; it's a pretty redish-purpleish dark color now. It looks natural, which is good, but it's still different, which I like :D I also got the my hair trimmed to get rid of the split ends, but not even an inch was cut. It's weird though, because I feel like my hair is shorter, like sholder length shorter. But no, I look in the mirror and it's still long :) I'm trying to figure out if it's my subconsious trying to tell me that I need a change of hair style :P

I wonder if I'll ever post a blog that actually ends up how I plan it to, as this one again went in a completely different dirrection. So weird!

Tommorow my kitties are getting their picture taken with Santa Claus C: I get to dress them up and torture them a little, yay. Spaz is going to be an elf, with just a red and green "joker" coller; Weeny gets to be Santa, beard and all, and my little Zuzu is going to wear antlers. I'm so excited, I plan on trying to get a cheap female santa costume for myself, but we'll see if I have time. I wouldn't even know where to look.

I also would like to get the chance to buy a Josh Groban CD. I don't like some of his music, but there's one CD that I really like. I don't even know what it's called, but I know the songs on it. I have a 25% off coupon for Barnes and Noble, so hopefully I'll get there at some point tommorrow.

I still need to get Jeffrey's corn snake too.

I think I'm stalling... I don't want to work, and I don't want to do homework. Ugh.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Time for Bed

is almost over
I got a lot done
Studied for a couple tests,
got a head start on
math homework
I went to work.

I'm tired
and it's time for bed.
my thoughts are talking...

And yet,
I can't put them into words.

"And I never want to let you down
Forgive me if I slip away
When all that I've known is lost and found
I promise you I, I'll come back to you one day"
Josh Groban - February Song

Test tomorrow.
[[Still hoping for you.]]

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

For You, My Friend

"You are loved
Don't give up
It's just the weight of the world
Don't give up
Everyone needs to be heard
You are loved"
-Josh Groban You Are Loved

Don't ever give up
[[Everything will be okay]]

Friday, December 4, 2009

Random Update

All week long, I keep finding things that I want to blog about. Then, when I actually have the time to sit and write my thoughts down, I've completely forgotten about it all. It makes me want to blog more and more, just because I know that if I can't remember things from a few hours or days past, in a couple years my memories will have faded. I already knew this from past journals, but I dunno, I'm just happy to know that I will have something to look back on :)

I'm getting scared that I'm not going to finish my art projects, but I'm trying. I'm just going to have to spend a whole day working on them nonstop at some point. I'm planning on doing so on Sunday, but knowing me I'll get distracted after a couple of hours.

I'm also petrified of my Astronomy finals, but I'm trying hard not to worry. I know that it will just mess me up further and I need to relax!

This Week:
  • Work Monday morning to cover for Carrie
  • Classes Monday-Thursday nights
  • Manicure with Emma on Wednesday morning
  • Harem Nights after class Thursday
  • Work on Friday night
  • ACT Saturday morning
I'm happy to have so much study time this week. I'm upset that my boss is so spiteful, but it's all for the better at the moment.

Last night was my first night out with friends since Halloween. I had a blast, and it was definintley a needed break from school and work. We went to Harem Nights which is a hookah lounge in Tempe. All the waitresses there are gorgeous and super nice, I love it. The music isn't really my style, but most of it isn't bad to dance to. Personally, I can't dance. I don't know how and I feel absolutely stupid when I do. Last night, I was forced out onto the dance floor six times. Every time I sat down after not even a minute. The girl that kept asking me to dance with her was someone that recognized me from high school, but I think if I remember her right she didn't like me very much back then. I don't really care, but I found some humor in it.

I was checking out some professors for next semester since one of the classes I had scheduled got canceled and realized that I am going to have to take the class online because the in-person teacher isn't known to be a great teacher, even though everyone likes him as a person. I need a good teacher; no exceptions there. I then just happened to go in to put in a review for my current art teacher, and wanted to smack myself for not looking before. She has twelve negative reviews and no good ones. Nobody recomends her as a teacher.

I can't wait for my manicure with Emma on Wednesday :)
I can't wait to go to Harem Nights with coworkers, excoworkers, and friends on Thursday :)
I can't wait to go see Twilight with Erica after finals are over :)

I still need to post a set of life goals. I need to get on that...
I need someone to teach me to dance.

Last night when I opened the door to go get cat food for my babies, a black and white cat ran into the house! At first it was okay, my kitties sniffed him/her but then Spaz hissed so the cat took off for my bedroom. I managed to get it out of there, but it went into Jeffrey's room where my cats cornered the poor thing under the bed. When Jeff got home, he scared it out and I let it outside. I felt bad because it seemed to be sick from being out in the cold, but I don't have the money nor the space to take care of a sick cat. Plus, I really don't want my kitties getting sick. What makes me feel awful, is that I'm pretty sure it was one of four kittens I used to give treats to when they would come stand by my patio door about a year ago.

I wish I could find a job that allowed for me to take care of kitties. I'm sick of the job I'm at now, but sadly shelters don't pay well enough for me to quit.

I have my Christmas preasents for Mom, Dad, Spaztik, Zues, and Halloween; I need to figure out what I'm getting Jeffrey: I was thinking a corn snake? He used to have one, but it escaped while moving. I need to get Mattie some baby food, other than that I got her some toys. I don't know what I'm getting Sadie yet... I think I'm getting Grandma and Grandpa S popcorn shirts for Harkins, but I haven't figured out what to get Gma and Gpa.

I've decided I need some excitement in my life.
I seem to be writing about the
every day.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Ever since I was little, I thought that I understood the concept of not knowing what the rest of a person's life holds. I thought that I knew it was okay to not have a career set in stone during college, that it would be okay to change majors. I thought that I was comfortable with this.

I was wrong.

When I was really little, I wanted to grow up to be a princess. I remember going through the tunnel on the way to Vegas, holding my breath and wishing for such. For a long time after that, I wanted to be a teacher. When I realized that I don't have the patience and the fact that I would be in school forever, I changed my mind. That and I couldn't decide what topic to teach.

In seventh grade I learned about FIDM, and I fell in love with the concept. Art AND a solid career? Score! At first I wanted to do interior design, then after visiting the school I changed my mind to fashion. I don't think this comforted my parents much; the school is expensive and to not know exactly for a fact what you want, it's not really worth the tuition.

I don't know when and I don't know why, but for some reason at some point I decided that I wanted to own my own business. I didn't know what it would be or how I would do it, I just wanted to. Throughout the years it has been a fashion boutique, a restaraunt, an interior design company, a hotel and probably even more that I can't remember.

I also went through a point in time where I couldn't stand the thought of having a family, I didn't want to get married nor did I want children; then I decided I did want a family, but I wouldn't stay at home with them I would be a working mom. I also had a period where all I wanted was to be a stay at home mom. I went back and forth, and still do so now.

Over anything and everything else, I wanted to be successful. To this day, I don't really know what I meant by that... what is successful? A career? A family? Friends? Fun? All of the above, I guess. But how? Does anyone truely succeed in everything? No. So what do I want? I don't really know.

I'm waiting anxiously to hear back from UNLV. Did I get accepted or not? What the heck takes so long to decide?! I'm going to get my degree in hotel and lodging. Do I really want this? As of right now, I'm not so sure. I love the idea of owning my own hotel and I love working in the hotel industry, there's no doubt in my mind about that. But this degree is so limited. What happens if I can't find work? A business degree goes in so many directions and covers so many aspects! It's not that I don't want to get my degree in hotel and lodging, it's the simple fact that I'm scared of its limitations.

Also, I know that it's just a fact of life, but why do I have to pick one career to stick to for the rest of my life? I like change, I like the idea of being able to go from hotel manager to waitress to author to teacher... but that's just not realistic, is it? When I think of doing the same thing over and over and over again every single day for the rest of my life after college, it makes me bored.

Anyway, this is not the way I had meant for this blog to go. I planned on talking about my goals in life and making an updated list; instead my brain went on a rant about success, and I can't even get those thoughts out right. I'm confused on what my opinion of success really is, that's all I really meant by any of this. I can't stand the thought of not being happy in life, so I keep thinking that if I'm not successful I won't be. But what is it that I want to succeed in? I guess I just feel like I'm wasting my time. Every day I get up to do what needs to be done, but every day it's the same.

And there I go again. Off on another rant about something I didn't even know I was thinking about. I don't even know if I'm going to post this blog, it seems so depressing. I'm not sad, I just am trying to figure things out.

My brain won't stop going off in odd directions that keep leading to one fact, so I guess my blog post about life goals is going to have to wait for a later date when I'm not so think-y. :P

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I just read an article on Yahoo! that at first I was like, "How rediculous!" But then, after reading a bit, it actually made a lot of sense. The article was about making it illegal to divorce in California. Although I myself don't believe in divorce, I understand that people do grow apart and, to me, it seems better to divorce then suffer through life. Life is what you make it, and if you keep dragging yourself down by staying with someone you can't stand... well... I just don't like it.
Anyway, after reading a little I started to understand why people were agreeing. The petition is supposed to prove a point about the ban on gay marriage. If those who voted against gays marring were really only doing so to protect the sanctity of marriage, then they should be all for not allowing divorce, right? "Till death do us part" after all.
And yet, one person in the article says that by banning gay marriage it was only to protect the "one man-one woman" aspect of it, nothing more nothing less. I say bull.
I could go on and on about this... but I probably shouldn't. Just thought it was interesting enough to share :)


this is what I get.
I know that I complain,
I complain a lot.
I'm trying to work on it

Christine showed me the schedules for the next few weeks before I left for Vegas. She had me working forty hour weeks, as I said in a previous blog. I asked not to due to classes, which I guess made her pretty mad. She faxed the schedule for next week over from Homestead this morning; I work Saturday and Friday night. That's it. So, I went from working forty hours, to sixteen. This is what I get for complaining.

But really, do I deserve to have my hours cut simply because I didn't want to do full time? I don't know, maybe I do. I'm kinda sorta really glad that I have five days off this week; not only that, but five days in a row off. How exciting! It gives me time to finish all the art work I have to do, and allows for study time for the ACT and finals. It even allows for relaxation time, which I actually didn't get as much as I though in Vegas, so that will be nice. However, Christmas is coming up. Can I afford to take five days off? Not really. It will all work out just fine, I have been saving well the past couple of months; back to my old habbits :) Although, I can't help but eat Panda Express and Chipotle as of late, and that's expensive!

Memory of the Moment:
While driving home from Vegas, Jeff and I had his iPod playing alternative music. When Simple Plan's Perfect came on, Jeff almost changed it. But then, he turned it up and both of us sang the entire song full blast. Yeah, we may be dorks, but it was fun and brought us just that much closer.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Holiday Weekend

I was hoping to have lots of pictures to post for Thanksgiving and Black Friday, but sadly my brother forgot my camera. I'm not so sure I'll be letting him borrow it again any time soon, it always dissapears for a few days when I do...

Anyway, the weekend has been a total blast so far. We woke up a bit later than expected on Wednesday morning, but still got to Vegas at around eleven in the morning. The car ride was easy, I wasn't tired in the least but I got in a comfortable enough position where I ended up sleeping for the first four hours of the trip: from Jeff and I's house, all the way to Kingman. The traffic was minimal, so it only took another hour to get to Gma's.

We headed over to Jessie's for Thanksgiving dinner, but forgot to bring drinks, so Mom and I ran to a nearby 7 eleven. When we were getting in the car, we debated on getting ice but figured that we wouldn't need it. In fact, we ended up turning back around when we got to Jessica's so that we could go get the ice. Overall, everyone was in a good mood so nothing really bothered me the entire night. The kids were having fun in the back yard, Mason was pushing his sister's pink stroler and princess car around with a huge smile on his face. It was adorable.

When someone mentioned that dinner was ready, there was an obvious pattern that formed. I wish I had a picture of it, but all the guys were up and ready in line to eat, piling their plates high with turkey, ham, potatos, jello, apple sauce, corn, green bean caserole, and all kinds of other things. There was only one girl in line, which was Tabby, but she was pretty much hidden by the guys.

Mason was the first kid to have his plate and start eating, then I helped Madeline get hers. She was so funny, I would ask her if she wanted something, and for most of it she said yes. I asked her if she wanted apple sauce and she said no; after she was sitting down her dad asked her and she jumped out of her seat and said yes. I couldn't help but laugh.

My favorite food though had to be the potatoes, which surpised me because I don't like potatoes. Jessie told me she put garlic in them; the were delicious :)

Everyone had been munching generously on the desserts since the beginning of the night, but once the cake was out that Tabby made, Thor was there in a flash. He definitely has a sweet tooth :P

We played Wii games for a while, and Madeline stood on the table while shaking the remote vigorously. She won several of the games that she played, and it was just as much fun to watch her as it was for her to play. Ian helped her learn how to do everything, and even helped her when she needed it; sometimes she told him, "I can do it!" and he would let her do it. After the kids were bored, they would hand off their remote and someone would take their place. We were playing a shooting game, and I got a bit too compettitive with my dad, but it was all in good fun :) He kicked my butt.

The next morning was Black Friday; Gma, Mom and I woke up at four and then went to pick up Jessie. We met Lisa at Target and started to walk in. The line was just starting to enter, but by the time we walked from the car to the door there were three groups of bachelors walking out with big screen TVs. We were shocked at how fast they managed, but I guess that's what Black Friday is all about :)

The crowds were nowhere near as bad as I expected, people were polite and nobody bumped into me, snatched anything I was looking at, or was rude in any way. I was pleasently surprised. We ended up making things a bit complicated for the cashiers as we only wanted to ring up $100 at a time so we could get the $10 gift cards. Hey, every penny counts!

After Target we went to Kohl's. I was excited to find several articles of clothing for rather cheap prices. Mom let me shop by myself here; I was sad that I didn't see any shoes that popped out at me, but I got a couple of jackets that I'm in love with and some much needed winter clothes. I do need a pair of boots now though :/ I'm looking for a pair I found online, but I can't find them in person to try on. The have a wedge heal with a fuzzy rim and lace up with two fluffy balls at the end of the strings. I think they're adorable, and would look great with a dress and leggings.

Anyway, by this time we had been shopping for about three hours I think and our stomachs were growling. It did take a while to check out, but we managed to get out and go to a breakfast place nearby where we chatted about Gpa's birthday and a present we got him for Christmas. Dad text Mom and said something like "How's everything going? Are you finding anything? Do we need to come pick up Brittney yet?" I couldn't help but laugh. I'm not a shopper really, and Dad knows that. I had fun though, but I must admit that when I had to go back to Kohl's later in the day to exchange a couple of items, I wasn't pleased. I was done shopping for the day, and the crowds were worse at this one.

Just before we went to Kohl's, we went to "Whitney" Nevada (it's Las Vegas, but LV is seperated into little sections or something, haven't quite figured it out) to look at some houses I had found online. I like the area a lot, even though it's right by the UNLV stadium. We couldn't look at two of the houses because they were in a gated community, but I think once it gets closer to time to move, we may end up going in there. I keep finding more and more houses in that neighborhood that I like. Mom and Dad are still trying to ease me into the idea of a condo, which when Mom told me that it would be one that has both stories instead of like the one I have now, I started to warm up to the idea a bit more. I still want a house though.

The family came over for Gpa's birthday and we ate more food. Again Thor jumped on the dessert. After everyone including my parents were gone and home, Jeff and I went out to the strip to meet Brian. Jeffrey kept turning down the wrong streets and it ended up taking us an hour plus to get there, but we had fun once we did. We ate Panda Express and walked around, nothing exciting but better than sitting at home doing nothing.

Now I'm just sitting in Gma's kitchen trying to catch up with the day. I woke up at ninethirty, but ended up falling back asleep until noon. I wasn't too happy, but there's still time to get things done. Gma put a pizza in the oven for me, and after that I think we're going to go buy some seasalt water for my nose piercing and spray for my artwork. We're going to go look at some houses over by Lisa's too.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Today, work dragged on...
and on...
and on...

Victoria brought a beautiful orange and white tabby to my hotel so that I could take it to Carrie's for the weekend since I'm going to be in Vegas. The kitty was abandoned at Crossland and had nowhere to go but the pound as all of the no kill shelters are currently full. I couldn't let her be put down, so I agreed to take her until a better suited home came along or an opening appeared in a shelter. I know that people don't believe me when I say it, but I really don't want another cat. My condo is just too small and I'm happy with the babies that I have.

I found a home for it on a farm, but then that person backed out. I was kinda sorta hoping I could talk Carrie into keeping it after the weekend, hoping that she would get attached. When I went over to drop the cat off, she asked if I was going to keep it. I told her no, and she immediately asked if she could have her; she has no idea how ecstatic that made me! So the cat has a wonderful forever home with Carrie who happens to have two outdoor kitties at the house she's currently living in and is also going to take care of Lucious for Leigha as of today since she can't keep him at her apartment in California. Yay.

As soon as I'm done with this blog entry, I'm going to finish sending everything to Jessica at UNLV so that I can have a chance at being accepted. Victoria wrote a spectacular reference for me; it made me tear up that she thinks so well of me! I've always known that I'm great at customer service, but other than that I feel like a pretty average employee. Victoria explained me to be well over above and beyond... and it feels amazing.

I'm not getting along so great with the new manager, but I'm working on it. I have the next four days off, so I'm not even going to think about it right now :)

Time to finish getting ready to leave at six tomorrow morning for the long drive to Vegas. I'm so excited!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Management

I am so NOT excited for work tomorrow.

I met my new boss today:
she's from Egypt
she's older

She seems intelligent,
but barely speaks English.
I can't really understand what she says
and she had to have me take the phone
several times
because the guests couldn't hear past her thick accent.

I am going to have to figure out
who I can report her to.
I don't understand how she got hired
with that strong body odor.
I don't want to be mean,
but I was gagging standing next to her.
I can't stay in an office
all day
four-five days a week
with someone that makes me sick to my stomach.

I honestly can say we will get along
just fine.
She's a bit of a snob,
so she only talks to managers.
Which I'm not.
But, that's okay.
It just means I get to do my work
in peace.
I have to admit,
I was offended when meeting her this morning:
She came in,
I introduced myself,
"Good morning, my name is Brittney.
How are you?"
and I extended my hand.
She looked at my hand
as if it were the plague,
said hello,
and then walked right past me.


I haven't gotten a good look
at her customer service skills yet.
she is very strict about housekeeping.
Poor Michaun
was in a room for 2 hours today
Lailya went in
and told Christine it wasn't clean
and all of the things that Michaun "missed."
The person that checked out of that room
was in house for over 7 months
with no housekeeping.
It's going to take a couple of
to clean that room.

Christine says that she's training Lailya
to be strict.
Lailya will loosen up
after getting her bearings.
I kind of doubt it
as she seems like one of those people
set in her ways.

I'm not too fond of working with her and Christine
but it's only for a little while longer.
After tomorrow,
I'm off for four days.
Then I work five days next week
with no management
and somehow I was volunteered
to work at Homestead on Monday morning.
I don't like opening there
without someone to help me
I haven't really been trained properly for it.
But it's just one day.

It looks like I'm working
over winter break.
As of now, I know that I work
Christmas Eve
and Christmas night.
I told Christine I'm taking
an accelerated math class
during that time
and need to be able to study.
She glared at me!
If I get too overstressed,
I told her I would have to request
a four day week.
I'm not a forty hour employee,
you can't make me work five days!!!
But as of now,
I am working all forty hour weeks
during the month of December.

I'm starting to think
that working a forty hour job
when I move to Vegas
may be an awful decision.
I don't think I can handle
forty hours
every week
plus full time school.
Maybe I could just do it for the summer?
We'll see.

[[Eventually, everything will be okay.]]

Monday, November 23, 2009

In Response

Mandy wrote a blog about
recieving flowers as well as her favorite flower
and then asked,
"What is your favorite flower, why that one?"
It got me thinking,
do I have a favorite flower?
There are SO many beautiful flowers
can I really pick a favorite?

My name is
Singing Daisy
but I don't even really like daisies.
They're pretty
but a bit too simple for my taste.
They have colored ones,
but they just look so fake.

I love blue flowers,
but I still have yet to find one that is
just right.
I can't tell if the ones I've seen
are real or not?

Beautiful, but nameless?

Is it even real?
Or is this just a dye job?

Do I choose on looks?
Or something else all together?

To answer my previous question

I can and do have a favorite flower.

The Stargazer Lily
even the name is breathtaking!
I love its shape
I love its color
I love its smell
I love its presense!

As a part of the lily family,
this heavonly flower represents
innocence and purity
but it also is a symbol of
wealth, prosperity, and aspriration.

When I hold these flowers,
I see the future.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

American Carnage Tour

A rumor has been going around that
[[Megadeth and Slayer]]
are to be doing a concert
This morning,
I found out that the rumors are TRUE!

I'm so excited!

It's going to be at the Dodge theater
Saturday 7pm
January 23rd 2010.
Presale tickets go on sale
today at 10am.
I can't figure out how to buy them though :\
I may just have to wait
until tomorrow at 10am
for public tickets.


Carrie doesn't really want to go...
So now my only problem
is to find someone that does
and will go with me :)

Danny thinks I'm rediculous.
He says that I shouldn't ask
about a concert that's in January
in November.
But the tickets are going to sell out
I'm sure of it!
So no Danny,
I'm not rediculous.

I say he's the rediculous one.
He hasn't spoken to me in weeks!
And I still don't know why.
I get sick of hanging out with guys
that act like girls.

So I just tried to buy tickets
and too many people bought presale
so now they're only offering balcony :(
I want club seating!
I signed in two minutes
How the heck
do they sell so fast?!
I'm just going to have to wait until tomorrow.
That's okay.
I can buy the four pack tomorrow
(It's cheaper)
I don't know where the four pack sits.
I get to choose.
No matter what,
I will be able to hear,
which is all that really matters :)


Monday, November 16, 2009

UNLV Weekend

My weekend went well, the UNLV tour went about as I planned. I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up about the GPA thing, but in the back of my head I was hoping that they would look right past it. I can't explain my disappointment when she made a face at my 2.1. BUT! There is an appeal process that I can try and I'm pretty sure she's going to help me get in. I have to get two recomendations; I'll get one from Victoria (I just have to figure out when I'll get the chance to see her) and then I have to figure out a teacher that will do one for me. I have a couple of high school teachers that I know would help me out, but I'm trying to figure out a college one that would be suitable. I just haven't gotten all that close with any of my proffessors for them to write something about me. I also have to write an apeal and she told me to make it as sappy as possible. I'm not sure what I'm going to write about yet, although I have a couple ideas. I just don't know how much information I want to give, and I hate making excuses, which is pretty much what the whole thing will be. One big long excuse. Blah.

I did get to see a lot of people on Saturday, it made me happy :)

I'm pretty set on going to Vegas once summer starts, the only issue is where I'm going to live. Mom was talking to Gma about having me sign a mortgage with my parents co-signing; this is my personal favorite option, but with my age and lack of credit, it may not be possible. There's also the option of my parents buying a house and me renting from them, which is pretty much what I'm doing now. Mom has talked about getting another condo, which probably would be a good choice. I'm being stubborn about getting a house though, I just want more space. Not really for my stuff, but for people I guess. I mean, with one person in my current condo, it's a fine place to live. But when I have people over and having my brother live with me it just gets a bit small. Plus I think it's exciting to own a home, plus I have fun managing my money and figuring out bills, so I think it would be entertaining to own a home. The last option would be to live on campus in a dorm, but I just can't do it. I would love to meet the people and have a roommate to make friends with, but there's no pets allowed. I don't think anyone can understand what it would do to me to leave my cats somewhere. I just couldn't do it; it'd be like leaving my children! I miss them when I'm gone for a day, a semester or two would literally kill me.

I have to admit, I'm petrified. I'm having such a hard time making friends here, what's going to happen when I move? I mean, I know that I don't really have any close friends here anyway, so why not move? Right? I'm almost tempted to get together with the UNLV program that helps you find a roommate, but that scares me too. What if we don't get along? What if they start stealing stuff? What if they don't pay rent? What if, what if, what if...? I just don't know what to do.

Jeffrey is still pretty adamant about going to Vegas with me. He has to find a job first, but he really doesn't want to stay here anymore than I do. It'd be nice to not have to worry about finding a roommate, but at the same time I kinda want to live with a girl for a while. Maybe I just miss having a best friend, I don't really know.

On the topic of UNLV, the campus is awesome. I love the gym and the dining hall; they have just about everything. The campus reminded me of MCC, although I think that MCC has a prettier campus because it has grass whereas UNLV doesn't. It would definitely be nice to have a gym to workout in without having to worry about paying for all the fees, and we got to have lunch in the dining hall and the food isn't bad at all. Plus soft-serve ice cream; I might get myself into trouble with that :P

The Extended Stay Deluxe is literally around the corner of the school, which Christine said she could get me a job there. I wasn't really planning on staying with the company, but a job is a job. Plus, if I have ONE paycheck proving that I'm a forty hour employee in Vegas, I get in state tuition automatically. Sweet!

Other than that, I didn't do much this weekend. I went to work to clean rooms for a couple of hours and then I went shopping with my mom for a curling iron. I also made some delish spagehtti for Mom and Dad, but that's about it. I'm hoping this upcoming weekend will be a bit more exciting.